Thursday 24 February 2011

Project Brief

Here's the IPP brief for this year.

Landing Your Dream Job

These days the world is changing so fast on technological, economic social, and political fronts that whole industries or specialist job roles can die or be born virtually overnight. Just think of what happened to the hot metal typesetters when desktop publishing arrived, or film editors when edting suites were replaced by cheap off the shelf software packages, or the London post production specialists, now that the Chinese can deliver special effects work so much cheaper than the UK.

The bottom line is that if we don’t want to become irrelevant, and if we want to land our dream job, we need to:
a) be aware of what is going on in the wider world, in our industry and intended job role
b) reflect on what that means for us and how we need to adapt
c) learn new skills throughout our lifetime to keep us resilient to change and able to maximize our personal prosperity
d) be able to communicate effectively about our thinking and practice

To help with this, throughout your time in College, you are required to keep a Learning Blog (using the blog tool provided) of your progress in all of your studies

A series of workshops and contact with industry professionals is timetabled to complement your core studies and, as well as attending these classes, you will be shown how to access exercises and information in Moodle that you are required to complete as independent study to enable you to gain the appropriate knowledge to help Land Your Dream Job.

To help you land your dream job, at the end of the unit you will be required to submit, via Moodle:
1 An 800 word Written Summary of your Learning Blog, including:
Your analysis of the current state of the job market in your profession
Description of the particular skills and attributes you believe employers are looking for in graduate job candidates
Your career plan and how you will utilise your promotional materials in order progress this plan
Your plan for how you intend to continue learning once you move into the workplace
2 Your portfolio and promotional materials
3 Your final CV, updated to the time of submission
4 Your Learning Blog